Explore Indonesia

This versatile language and travel guide has valuable information about Indonesia’s many fascinating destinations. Just a few simple words go a very long way in Indonesia, but pronunciation is the key. All profits from these books benefit wildlife conservation causes in Indonesia. Learn about where to go, what do and what to say.

Travel Guide Indonesia

Indonesia is the fourth-largest nation in the world with more than 267 million people. The country has more than 17,500 islands, including Bali, Borneo, Java, Lombok, Sumatra and Sulawesi.

Experience more of Indonesia than the average traveler by speaking the local language. Simple courtesies and greetings will make your trip more productive and rewarding. Our phonetic style makes it impossible to mispronounce important words. Order your hard copy today. The locals will sparkle with delight when you speak just a few words in bahasa Indonesia.